Dave Ramsey’s Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) program consists of a network of reliable and trustworthy local professionals that he refers his listeners and fans to. ELP’s are held to high standards from the beginning. The process to become an ELP is not an easy one. Becoming and ELP involves a thorough application and rigorous interview process, Dave’s team makes sure to select professionals who share the same financial principals as they do. After being chosen as an ELP, the professional is required to maintain high customer service scores. Each customer is given the opportunity to review and score the ELP based on their experience thereby keeping the professional in check at all times.
One of the other important points Dave addresses in Financial Peace is the importance of having a “guaranteed replacement cost” policy for your home insurance. Very few companies still offer this type of policy and most of the insurance companies you are familiar with do not offer this type anymore. However, our agency is able to offer a guaranteed replacement cost policy to our customers.
From the moment you call our agency, you will receive expert advice with the ‘heart of a teacher’. It is our goal that our customers be so thrilled with our service that they consistently refer us to their friends and family.
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